Technical visits

Jyväskylä is a growing, forward-looking city and an internationally recognised centre of learning and education as well as a centre of expertise specialising in sports, physical exercise and health. At the same time, the city is a forerunner in the use of resources: we promote resource-wise business and make full use of the potential offered by digitisation. Our ambition is to be a carbon-neutral, waste-free city by promoting the circular economy and use of renewable energy, harnessing natural resources prudently and protecting biodiversity.

Visit Jyväskylä Region will be happy to organise regional tours in and around the city on the following themes:

Sports sciences and research into top-level sports
The tale of the Finnish forest
Finnish educational system

If you are interested in organising a Technical Visit to the region, please contact Destination Specialist Päivi Heikkala who will be happy to tell you more about it.

Päivi Heikkala.

Päivi Heikkala

Destination Specialist
paivi.heikkala (at)
tel. +358 40 749 7969