Local DMCs
Need the help of Local DMC to wrap up a group travel product? Contact the companies operating in our area:
In Jyväskylä Region:
Northern Excellence by Helin Matkat / Heli’s Travel Agency
+ 358 50 30 81 883
info (at) northernexcellence.fi
Northern Excellence
Matka Mäkelä Oy
+ 358 20 743 8310
matka.makela (at) matkamakela.fi
Matka Mäkelä Oy
Pohjolan Matka
+358 201 303 357
jaana.tarvainen (at) pohjolanmatka.fi
Pohjolan Matka DMC
For group travel and guided tours, please contact:
Visit Jyväskylä Region Tourist Office
+358 (0) 14 569 0113
matkailu (at) jyvaskyla.fi
Visit Jyväskylä Region Tourist Office
In Lakeland:
Finland DMC
+358 44 4525 011
sales (at) finland-dmc.com
Finland DMC
In Finland:
Kuoni Tumlare
+358 9 622 6650
[email protected]
Kuoni Tumlare DMC
Luova Finland
+358 40 594643
sanja (at) luovafinland.com
Luova Finland DMC