City of education

Jyväskylä is a youthful city of just the right size where every 4th person you pass is a student. The city has an attractive university and university of applied sciences, and boasts highly versatile educational offerings at the upper secondary level. Jyväskylä has an international academic atmosphere, and the universities provide opportunities for pursuing studies and hundreds of places for exchange students from all over the world. The educational institutes have students from more than hundred different countries.

In addition to the international atmosphere, the educational institutes located in Jyväskylä offer nationally unique and significant educational opportunities. These include the only Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences in Finland, Finland’s largest faculty of education, and at the JAMK university of applied sciences, the innovative entrepreneurship centre of excellence Tiimiakatemia.

The University of Jyväskylä (JYU) is a highly esteemed multidisciplinary university with six faculties. It is recognised in Finland as a leading teacher training and adult education institution, as well as being an education importer. The Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences is the only university-level educational institute of its kind in Finland. In the university brand survey 2020, the University of Jyväskylä was rated Finland’s fourth best-known university.

JAMK University of Applied Sciences (JAMK) has four units, of which the Teacher Education College has already been the most popular in Finland for several years. JAMK trains specialists in technology, business, health and welfare. In the university image survey conducted by Taloustutkimus in 2020, JAMK also earned a good rating, reaching fourth place in the comparison between the overall ratings awarded to universities of applied sciences.

Unique on the national scale, the Finnish Music Campus serves as one example of collaboration in education between educational institutes. Universities have responded to the current challenges in society by providing training in fields such as cyber security and the gaming industry and by conducting related research.

Jyväskylä Educational Consortium Gradia, which provides upper secondary level education, is also one of the sources of pride and joy in Jyväskylä. Gradia aims at reforming ways of learning and working as well as providing the companies and the students of all ages with an opportunity to business development and individual learning paths.  Linkki verkkosivuille

For adults and those in work, our institutes of education provide degree programmes and training in hundreds of different fields, and open access studies provide an opportunity for self-development or a way to get admitted as an undergraduate student for people of all ages. For example, the Open University of the University of Jyväskylä and Open University of Applied Sciences – JAMK specialise in providing distance learning and web-based university studies.

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Kuva: Tero Takalo-Eskola