Facts about the city

Jyväskylä was founded in 1837. By 2020 it has grown to be a home town for more than 142 000 residents and the seventh largest city in Finland. Jyväskylä is known for its achievements in the field of science, education and training as well as technology, diverse, ruggedly modern and interesting cultural activities along with the beautiful and versatile nature in the middle of the city. The up-to-date culture and education is highly valued in Jyväskylä.

Jyväskylä, known for both as a lively student city and the Capital of Sport in Finland, follows the path indicated by Alvar Aalto, culture and education and it has been proven to provide the best growth environment for children in Finland.  Jyväskylä is multicultural and up to 123 languages are spoken there.

The compact and resource-wise City of Light invests in everyday security and business life. The most essential services and places to visit are within walking distance of each other. A wide range of opportunities for pursuing physical activities and spending leisure time, magnificent nature along with lively cultural life create a basis for pleasure and experiences, for both the city residents and visitors. Jyväskylä is a place that is easy to visit and easy to stay.

Henkilö lukee esitettä Säynätsalon kunnantalossa
Kuva: Tero Takalo-Eskola