Sports, physical recreation & well-being
Jyväskylä can be considered a pioneer in sports and physical activities in Finland and it is also called for the Capital of Sport in Finland. Sports and physical activities are an integral part of Jyväskylä.
The nationwide research on competitive sports is mainly done in Jyväskylä. In the Jyväskylä University, there is the only Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences in Finland. The research on sports and physical well-being is led by KIHU, the Research Institute for Olympic Sports, LIKES Research Centre for Physical Activity and Health along with the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences of the University of Jyväskylä.
In Jyväskylä those people interested in physical well-being are also well served. The city has over 350 facilities for sport and physical recreation, about 500 km of fitness and ski trails and over 200 sports clubs.
Central Finland’s varied and unspoilt nature starts close to the city and attracts people with different interests all year round. Possible activities during the summer include hiking, biking, boating and fishing. There are also several golf courses in the region. In winter, cross-country and downhill skiing are excellent ways of relaxing.
Lake Jyväsjärvi, located right in the heart of the city, is circled by Rantaraitti, a path for walkers, runners and cyclists. Due its beautiful lake scenery, great location and even, coated surface of the path, Rantaraitti has become immensely popular. It just just a few steps away from congress sites and hotels, so it is a nice place to go for a walk after busy congress day. Further information on Rantaraitti recreational route and Rantaraitti outdoor gym on Jyväskylä City’s pages.