Summer in Nature
Nature enthusiasts are in for a treat this summer in Jyväskylä Region, as the stunning landscapes of national parks are more accessible than ever. Sail through the landscapes of Leivonmäki and Southern Konnevesi National Parks on a cruise ship, or hop on a bus and head to nature trails.
Explore the enchanting four national parks of Jyväskylä Region here.

Summer day cruise to Southern Konnevesi National Park
Thursday 4.7.2024 (bookings by 2.6.2024)
Includes: Bus transport from Keuruu/Petäjävesi/Jyväskylä by Matka Mäkelä, cruise to the national park and back on m/s Autere, lunch and coffee, a guided tour at Konnevesi Local Museum.
Price: from 105€
Departure: Konnevesi Harbour – Häyrylänranta Beach, Satamatie 60, 44300 Konnevesi

Cruising to Leivonmäki national park
Sunday 9.6.2024
Sunday 11.8.2024
Sunday 15.9.2024 (happens if there are enough attendees)
Includes: Cruise to the national park and back, by Päijänne-Risteilyt Hilden, and time to explore the national park!
Price: 40€/10€
Departure: Jyväskylä harbour, Satamakatu 8, 40100 Jyväskylä

To the nature attractions by public transportation
In the Jyväskylä region, there are many delightful natural destinations, but what to do when you don’t have access to a car? The region offers plenty of nature spots within a bus or train ride away. So, hop on Linkki and head to the nature trails.
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