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Architecture and historical milieus

Travellers to the Jyväskylä Region are in for a treat when it comes to the unique architecture and historical milieus. Get acquainted with the centuries-old church architecture, the works of internationally renowned designer and architect Alvar Aalto, or the sites of Wivi Lönn, Finland’s first independent female architect. The idyllic, historical milieus like Old Keuruu and Toivola’s old courtyard in Jyväskylä beckon visitors to peek into the life of yesteryear as well as enjoy the restaurants, cafés and shopping opportunities.



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Inspiring museums and galleries in the Jyväskylä Region

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Admire the sites of the City of Light

What do renowned landmarks look like fully illuminated? How about world-famous architecture, adorned by evening lighting? In Jyväskylä, there are already over one hundred permanently illuminated sites, such as bridges, public facades, and works of art.

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The churches of the Jyväskylä Region

Central Finland’s churches offer a fascinating collection of architecture covering various epochs and styles.