Accessibility statement for

  • This accessibility statement applies to the website
  • This report was prepared / updated on 7.4.2022.
  • We have assessed the accessibility of this website with the help of a third party and  making use of accessibility evaluation tools provided by Siteimprove.


The accessibility status of the online service

The website is partially compliant with accessibility requirements. Based on Siteimprove’s accessibility analysis, the site’s accessibility scores on April 7, 2022 are 86.2 / 91 (AA level).

Visit Jyväskylä Region is committed to ensuring the accessibility of its websites as stipulated by the Act on the Provision of Digital Services. The first version of the website was published on 16 December 2020 and the third-party site audit was processed in 2021 and the corrective actions revealed by the preliminary audit have been taken. Due to the scale of the site, work is being done on accessibility at all times using the Siteimprove tool.

Non-accessible content

The following content and/or functions do not yet meet the accessibility requirements:

The site is currently 86.2 / 91 AA-rated and development is ongoing.

Accessibility challenges:

2.1 Text equivalents

1.1.1 Non-textual content: The site still has some images without alt text. A third party service brings an alt-text-free images to the source code.

Other online services

  • On the Visit Jyväskylä social media channels, we take accessibility into account as far as can be provided for by each respective channel.
  • The Visit Jyväskylä YouTube channel contains video content published prior to 23 September 2020. Some of this video content is missing subtitles and/or video/audio description. The Act does not require for video content produced before 23 September 2020 to be retroactively made accessible or deleted.
  • The Visit Jyväskylä website also links to the Jyväskylä region event calendar administered by the City of Jyväskylä. Click here to view the accessibility statement for the event calendar (in Finnish).
  • Visit Jyväskylä makes use of the service as a media repository. This service is partially accessible. Click here to view the accessibility statement for

Did you notice an accessibility defect in our online service?

Please contact us with your suggestions, notes, questions and improvement ideas for the website and its accessibility at the e-mail address travel (at) We will do our best to fix any problems.

We continue to work for better accessibility

We are committed to improve online accessibility

Visit Jyväskylä is committed to ensuring the accessibility of its websites as stipulated by the Act on the Provision of Digital Services. Thus, our website is regularly audited with Siteimprove’s accessibility self-assessment tool.

We support users for whom online services are not accessible

Visit Jyväskylä’s Tourist Office helps both tourists and locals to find holidaying tips for the Jyväskylä region and offer information about travel destinations in the area by phone, e-mail, and chat.

Please find the opening hours of the information service at Jyväskylä Region Tourist Office contact information.

Telephone number: +358 14 569 0113
E-mail: travel(at)


Supervisory authority

If you notice accessibility shortcomings on this web site, please first provide feedback to us, the webmasters. We will respond within 14 days. If you are not satisfied with the answer you have received or do not receive a reply at all within two weeks, you can report it to the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland (AVI). The website of the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland explains in detail how the notification can be made and how the matter is handled.

Contact information of the supervisory authority

Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland
Accessibility Control Unit
switchboard tel. +358 295 016 000