Order inspiration to your doorstep

You can order Jyväskylä Region’s travel brochures and maps for free, delivered directly to your home. In the official travel brochure, available in Finnish English and German, you will find information about interesting attractions and activities in the Jyväskylä Region, and in the Jyväskylä city center map, you will find numbered points of interest. The group travel brochure, on the other hand, compiles accommodations, restaurants, experiences, and destinations that are well-suited for larger groups.



Order brochures and maps to your doorstep

Note. Maximum of 3 brochures in total per order!


  • Write here how many travel guides you need in Finnish.
  • Write here how many travel guides you need in English.
  • Write here how many travel guides you need in German.
  • Write here how many map you need. The map has information in Finnish, English & German
  • Write here how many group brochures you need. Please note that this brochure is only available in Finnish.
  • Name(Required)
  • Still wondering about something?