
Travelling by taxi in the Jyväskylä region is safe. Taxi services are provided by big, reliable companies. From the Jyväskylä city centre you can reach the most popular destinations with JYTAKSI fixed rates (in Finnish). You can find the up-to-date prices on the websites of JYTAKSI and the Keski-Suomen aluetaksi (in Finnish) service.

Do you want to book your ride in advance? It is a good idea to book your taxi in advance either by phone +358 100 6900 or with the JYTAKSI mobile app App Store  tai Google Play.

Fixed taxi rates to popular attractions

Jytaksi offers fixed-rate taxi rides from the center of Jyväskylä to various tourist destinations in the region. The prices are valid when the journey starts from or ends in the center of Jyväskylä. You can book a taxi by calling 0100 6900 or catch one at a taxi stand.

Chech the fixed rates here.

The numbers for the taxi services

Taxi Service, tel. +358 100 6900 (Jyväskylä, Muurame)
1,92€ per answered call + 0,25€ per each 10 seconds + local/mobile network charge.

Jyväskylä Region area taxi p. 0100 866 44 (Jyväskylä Region)
2,42 €/per call + 0,99 €/min

02Taksi -taxi service p. +358 20230 (Jyväskylä Region)
1,25€ per answered call + 0,049€ per sec +p local/mobile network charge.

Trips paid for by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela), tel. +358 800 30 22 59 
In the Central Finland Health Care District. Order call free of charge.

For the disabled, tel. +358 100 6999
1.25€ per answered call + local/mobile network charge

Hankasalmi tel. +358 100 866 44

1,92€ /per answered call + 0,99€ / min + local/mobile network charge.

Laukaa tel. +358 100 866 44
1,92€ /per answered call + 0,99€ / min + local/mobile network charge.

Äänekoski tel. +358 100 866 44
1,92€ /per answered call + 0,99€ / min + local/mobile network charge.

Joutsa tel. +358 100 866 44
1,92€ /per answered call + 0,99€ / min + local/mobile network charge.