Contact information
Parviaisentie 9, 40900 Jyväskylä
046 582 1060
The Chamber is a classic space with 21 seats in a classroom format (fixed, non-removable) and benches at the back and edges of the room for up to 50 people.
The space is strongly protected, and we can't arrange any catering there. Catering is possible in other rooms.
The space can be equipped with a screen and a data projector.
The room has wireless Internet. Access to the space is not accessible.
Additional information
You can order meeting meals to be served in other spaces of the building (extra fee) or in the AaBakery Café. If desired, Juhlatalo Juurikkasaari's restaurant, evening entertainment, and sauna services can also be included in the meeting.
If desired, the program can include a half-hour tour of Alvar Aalto and the history and present of Säynätsalo.