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Tuomisto, party and meeting facilities

Celebration Karonkka Meeting Performance/screening Trade fair Wedding

Contact information


Rannankyläntie 502 A, 40950 Muurame

Accurate location:

Traditional Farm yard circle


+358 405744744

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Tuomisto is renting over100 years old farm houses inside and outdoor spaces for all kind of groups - even for festivals of thousand participants like for example every year Naamat Festival

Additional information

We are serving only by renting spaces. Our lesseee clients take care of the arrangements by themselves.


101-150 26-50 51-100 Over 151 Under 25

Premise type

auditorium Ballroom Cabin Concert hall Estate Farm Meeting room Muu tila Outdoor space


Cozy Intimate Relaxed Rustic

Additional criteria

Accommodation Modifiable space Own drinks Own servings WiFi