Häähninmäki lookout tower and nature trails 2km, 3,8km, 24,9km
Häähnintuvantie 160
41540 Hankasalmi
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Häähninmäki lookout tower and nature trails 2km, 3,8km, 24,9km
Häähninmäki Hill marks a historic boundary between the ancient hunting grounds in Hankasalmi and Konnevesi. The area has an extensive network of trails that are open all year round and offer fat biking, trail running and other outdoor pursuits. In 2020, a lookout tower tower offering breathtaking views was erected on Häähninmäki. The area also has a desert hut Häähnintupa built in 2012, which is a camping and rest hut for all hikers in the middle of the wonderful hiking trails.
Häähninmäki can be easily reached from all directions. For more information about the facilities and the surrounding hiking trails see: Häähninmäen ulkoilualue – Häähninmäen ulkoilualue (haahninmaki.fi)
See the Häähninmäki mountain biking trail information and map here.
More information
Starting point/end point
Häähninmäki can be reached from the direction of Hankasalmi via Purtomäentie and from the direction of Konnevesi via Sirkkamäentie. The car park has signposts from the end of Läheahontie directing towards “Häähnintupa”.
ETRS-TM35FIN N 6930489, E 469431. WGS84 lat 62,50418 lon 26,40653
Route length
Häähninmäki has a network of nature trails or you can visit the wilderness hut Häähnintupa. Allow at least 2 hours for your visit.
The paths are marked and there are information boards along the way. The paths and signage were improved during 2016.
Lapp hut or camp fire
Häähninmäki has a wilderness hut, which can be freely used by all hikers. Keep in mind that the hut may be booked for events and it can be reserved for accommodation. There is a campfire place on top of Häähninmäki and a tiny old cottage “Peikkola”.
Distance of the parking place
Häähnintupa is 500 metres from the car park.
Target´s maintenance
The operations at Häähnintupa wilderness hut are managed by a committee (including Hankasalmi Outdoor Association, Hankasalmi Camera Association and Sirkkamäki Village Association)
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