Ravintola Riihikelo Riihivuoren huipulla
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Restaurant Riihikelo

Celebration Christmas party Karonkka Meeting Performance/screening Seminar/conference Wedding

Contact information


Riihivuorentie 313, 40950 Muurame

Accurate location:

Restaurant Riihikelo is located on the top of Riihivuori slopes in Muurame. During winter seasons there is a ski centre open in Riihivuori and during summer seasons there is summer theatre and concerts in a hall for 600 guests. Restaurant Riihikelo is open during summers when the theatre has performances. During winters Riihikelo is open when the skiing centre is open. During other times Riihikelo can be opened for reservations.


+358 40 070 6691

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Restaurant Riihikelo is an excellent place to organize conferences, educative events, events for well-being at work or other private events. The facilities are suitable for events of 10 to 300 people. Catering can be arranged according to your wishes. There are different sized cabinets that can be combined. The facilities are easily adjustable for the needs of different kinds of groups for example for dinner settings or cocktail events.

Additional information

There are sound systems, televisions, white boards, a video projector, and a Wifi-network available.
All dishes are prepared in restaurant Riihikelo’s own kitchen. Riihikelo has their own menu during winter and summer seasons.


101-150 26-50 51-100 Over 151 Under 25

Premise type

auditorium Ballroom Bar Concert hall Meeting room Outdoor space Restaurant Sauna


Cozy Festive Intimate Modern Relaxed

Additional criteria

A-license, rights to serve alcohol Accessible space Catering Experience and/or programme services Hybrid events Modifiable space Sauna Sound system Streaming Video projector WiFi