Finnish sauna
Sauna in Finland is an essential part of life, well-being and relaxation. For Finns, the first sauna experiences start in early childhood and continue throughout the life. Many traditions, celebrations and other parts of Finnish culture are associated with the sauna, and are as deep-rooted as the history of this great invention.
Despite any stereotypes, sauna can be a social event with sharing of ideas and thoughts or can be a way of enjoying own time in quietness. There are numerous types of saunas – smoke saunas, infrared saunas and even saunas in tents, there are countless of options.

Sauna as a healer
In Finland, sauna has been considered the source of energy and health for years. Since its invention, sauna has healed, has helped to relax, to refresh own body and mind.
Sauna has also been a place where family and friends can gather to share news, thoughts and ideas. In fact, even some high level political figures, such as president Kekkonen, discussed important decisions with his guests in a sauna. After all, in sauna people are all equal leaving behind titles and egos with ones clothes.
Sauna’s health effects cannot be overestimated. Sauna cleanses the body, skin and helps to relax any muscle pain. There are numerous health benefits sauna has on the body and mind.

Sauna as a social act
Although for many Finns sauna is a place to regain own inner balance, quite many enjoy a chat while bathing. Rather reserved Finnish people can strike a conversation even with total strangers in a sauna.

Sauna as a tradition
Sauna is often associated with many important celebrations in Finland. Whether it is a sauna session during Christmas or during the Midsummer celebration, Finnish people cherish own family ways of enjoying sauna before the important festivities.

Sauna for relaxation
You can go to sauna when you want and stay there as long as you want, everyone has his or her own way to enjoy the sauna. You can go to sauna after a stressful day to meditate. Sprinkle the water on the rocks in the stove and hear the sizzle as it turns into pleasant steam.

Best place to learn about the Finnish sauna
Read the article and learn why The Sauna Region of the World is the best place to experience the Finnish Sauna.
The Sauna Region of the World is the best place to learn about the Finnish sauna
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