Alvar Aalto -dance performances

Alvar and Elissa

Dancer Helena Ratinen and musician Pekka Nättinen guides you through one of the Alvar Aalto’s most significant work, Säynätsalo town hall, and the love story of Alvar Aalto and Elsa (Elissa) Mäntyniemi. The architecture, dance and the multi-instrumental music has the audience intertwined into a balanced whole.

Piece is targeted to adults but is also suitable for families. Take note that the audience will be moving with the performer around the building, which is unfortunately not unobstructed.

Duration: 1 hour
Price: starting from 700€
For more information and reservations: tel. +358 044 399 2234, info(at)

’KoeAalto’ – the experimental combination of Aalto design and modern dance

How does the architecture of Alvar Aalto look from the viewpoint of dance and movement?

On the ‘KoeAalto’  guided tour with dancer Helen Ratinen you will experience the architecture of Aalto, as well as details of surfaces and forms through movement. For those who know Aalto’s work well, the tour offers new insights into his work. And for the new visitors the tour offers an exceptional first touch to the unique design of Alvar Aalto. KoeAalto tour is organized by the KSTK – Dance Center of Central Finland.

Duration: 1 hour
Starting location: Alvar Aalto museum
Price: groups 350€
For more information and reservations: tel. +358 044 399 2234, info(at)


“I am a line, wave of line. Outline of a pond, shore of the lake, glimmer of the water, aurora borealis. I am a line that takes the shape of the ground. I am a wave of line.”

Choreography and dance by Helena Ratinen.
Production: Tanssin Aallolla -project, KSTK – Dance Center of Central Finland and Alvar Aalto -foundation.
Fits well into corporate events, social evenings, seminars and other events.

Price: starting from 350€.
For more information and reservations: tel. +358 044 399 2234, info(at)