Kangasvuori Nature Trail 3km

Distance to the target from Kompassinaukio in Jyväskylä

On foot 1 h 10 min. By bus 20 min.


Suluntie 18

40340 Jyväskylä

Sää kohteessa:

Lämpötila: -10.4°C Scattered, klo 19:54

Kangasvuori Nature Trail 3km

Kangasvuori Nature Trail is located in the eastern edge of the city, near the residential areas of Kangasvuori and Huhtasuo. The 3 km trail runs through the forested landscape of Kangasvuori. Vuorilampi with its pretty shoreline adds interesting variety to the forest landscape.

Link to the City of Jyväskylä Trails website:  https://www.jyvaskyla.fi/asuminen-ja-ymparisto/ymparisto/luontoretkeily/luontopolut

More information

Location and arrival

Knagasvuori nature trail can be reached with car, bike & local bus Linkki. Check thge schedules here: https://jyvaskyla.digitransit.fi/

Winter maintenance

No winter maintenance

Starting point/end point

The starting point and information board is located in a forest next to Huhtasuo school, by the exercise track.


ETRS-TM35FIN N 6904830, E 438091.

Route length

3 km. Allow a couple hours to complete the trail.


There are 16 information boards along the trail. The route is marked with yellow paint markings.

Lapp hut or camp fire

Vuorilampi lean-to shelter and campfire place.

Target´s maintenance

City of Jyväskylä

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