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Restaurants & cafes

In Jyväskylä Region, you have a choice of restaurant experiences; spend an unhurried long-form evening, drop in for a relaxed and casual visit, dive into a panorama of the world’s tastes or just grab a quick bite of fast food. Spice up your meal with a breathtaking view or a unique environment – dine in one of the city centre’s award-winning restaurants or, if you like, out in the nature warmed by a crackling fire.

Check out the Regions restaurants and cafes

Photo: Konttiravintola Morton / Emäpitäjän anniskeluravintolat Oy / Tuomas Mikkonen

Restaurants and cafés by theme

Dive into the world of Finnish delicasies with the top Restaurants in the Region offering Finnish foods. Have a cup of local tea and coffee and enjoy a sweet pastry or an innovative combination of tastes – always mindful of tradition. The Jyväskylä Region’s unique summer cafes and restaurants will crown any holiday. The region is also noted for its many delicious lunch restaurants as well as the many options for different diets. 

Check also accessible restaurants and cafés in the Jyväskylä Region.