There is location in Seppälänkangas, Jyväskylä with an ominous name. Locals don’t have any problems going for their morning jogs around the place but for us the name was more than intriguing – a perfect spot for a hot summer’s day adventure.
Heikki Sulander
The pits were formed when a good chunk of the icecaps fell in the sand and gradually melted away. A pit like this is usually called a kettle hole or a narrow. There are two of these in the area, a bigger one and a smaller one and though both are similar in shape, the one closer to the road is more accessible and 25 meters deep. We hope to have captured the depth in the short video we filmed on-site.

In addition to its impressive size, the pits also offer something not many places do – silence. As soon as you reach the bottom, the roar of the nearby industrial and shopping centers disappears. The kettle hole also has giant trees growing out of it and the tops form their own pit up in the sky.
It’s not entirely certain where this place got its name. One can guess if there was a tragic death that took place or if the kettle holes were used as hunting pits.
A map to the beginning of the trail leading on-site. It starts behind the corner of the business property, but you can also approach them from various other directions. See the map for details.