Laajavuori Nature Trail 4km

Distance to the target from Kompassinaukio in Jyväskylä

On foot 1 h 10 min. By bus 25 min.


Laajavuorentie 19

40740 Jyväskylä

Sää kohteessa:

Lämpötila: 3.5°C Scattered, klo 11:50

Laajavuori Nature Trail 4km

Laajavuori Nature Trail is located in the Laajavuori ski and outdoors resort and runs through a varied forest terrain. Approx. 4 km long, the trail runs mainly through spruce forests, with rocks and small bogs adding interesting variation. The path was serviced and realigned to run along a more attractive and safer route on the western side of the ski slopes.

Retkipaikka link:

Link to the map of the Laajavuori nature Trail:

More information

Location and arrival

Local bus number 25. See the timetables from the online route guide:


Parking area at Laajavuorentie 15

Winter maintenance

No winter maintenance

Starting point/end point

The path starts from the northern side of the resort along the road leading to the sauna by Vuorilampi pond, 100 metres before the pond. There are signposts from the northern edge of the car park to the starting point.


ETRS-TM35FIN N 6903973, E 432119

Route length

4 km. Allow 1-2 hours to complete the trail.


There are 17 information boards along the trail, with facts about plants, birds and mushrooms found in the Laajavuori area. Follow the yellow paint markings and signposts at crossroads.

Lapp hut or camp fire

There is a lean-to shelter along the trail (at the bottom of the outer slope).

Target´s maintenance

City of Jyväskylä

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