Metsoreitti trail 50km
Distance to the target from Kompassinaukio in Jyväskylä
41340 Laukaa
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Metsoreitti trail 50km
The Metsoreitti trail in the municipality of Laukaa is a multipurpose route suitable for a wide range of activities. The 50-kilometre route passes through villages and beautiful landscapes. When there is no snow, the route is popular among hikers and mountain bikers, and skiers love it in the winter. There are 15 lean-tos/Lapp huts along the 50-km route, serving both those hiking for a day and overnight visitors. The route passes through the traditional but varied landscape of the Jyväskylä Region.
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Starting point/end point
Starting point: Ampumaradantie, 41340 Laukaa. Ending point: Hietasyrjäntie 260, 41370 Kuusa
62.307599, 25.819900
Route length
50 km
15 lean-tos/Lapp huts
Lapp hut or camp fire
Haukilammen kota (Lapp hut), Kivikallion laavu (Lean-to)
Target´s maintenance
Municipality of Laukaa
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