Pylkönmäki Church


Keskustie 40

43440 Pylkönmäki

Contact information

tel. +358401534736

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Pylkönmäki Church

The sympathetic centre of the village, Pylkönmäki Church, invites you to a service at 13:00 every other Sunday.

Settlement of the Pylkönmäki wilderness began in the 1560s. In the 19th century, the population growth increased and people began to hope for a church in the area. It was a long journey to Saarijärvi and Karstula by road. Permission to build a prayer room, or church, was granted and the church, designed by Jaakko Kuorikoski, was completed in 1864.
For reasons of economy, the church was to be extremely simple and sufficient for the needs of the parish. The church was built largely with voluntary labour and donations. Little money was needed except for Kuorikoski’s salary.
The church pulpit, carved by local farmer Taavetti Pajunen, and the martyr’s chair in the church hall are among the church’s original artefacts.
In 1926, the church’s renovation drawings were requested from a young architect, Alvar Aalto, who was only 28 years old. According to Aalto’s design, a wooden vertical lining was created in the walls and the top of the church tower was lowered. Instead of a cross, a rooster was placed on the church tower. Aalto’s creations were initially met with some surprise. However, the interior of the church turned out to be “wonderfully beautiful” and people got used to the exterior.
The altarpiece, painted by Matias Annala in 1941, depicts Jesus’ memorial meal, the Holy Communion.
In 1952, the church was repainted by the painter Urho Lehtinen. He painted the altarpiece on both sides with figurative ornaments. In one Jesus blesses the children and in the other Jesus blesses the loaves and fishes. In 1968, during a renovation designed by Erkki Kantonen and Niilo Hartikainen, Lehtinen’s paintings were left under the pine panelling and are still there today.
The 150th anniversary of Pylkönmäki Church was celebrated in autumn 2014.

The service is on the second and fourth Sunday of the month. During the winter season, from Christmas to Easter, services are held in the parish hall. During the summer (June-August) the service starts at 19:00.

Parking is in front of the parish hall.


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