The best spots in Jyväskylä recommended by locals
I would take visitors down to Lutakko Marina. It is lively and you can see water and boats in there. And of course they sell also ice cream!
Jouni, 56
Jyväskylä’s Lutakko harbour
Lutakko Marina district is one of the most popular recreational spots among Jyväskylä inhabitants. The marina is complimented on its vitality and indeed, vital it is; the recently upgraded area has something to offer for all visitors. Sit back and admire the lake scenery in Lutakko, just steps from the city centre, and enjoy a meal in Konttiravintola Morton, a container restaurant praised by locals.
Rantaraitti, the Lakeside Route, which cuts through Lutakko Marina, is considered the best outdoor exercise spot in Jyväskylä region by many inhabitants. The lakeside route is an excellent hiking and cycling path as it winds around scenic Lake Jyväsjärvi. Local inhabitants say that the Kuokkala bridge along the route is an excellent photo location, especially after dark.
Many locals would take visitors to enjoy Lake Jyväsjärvi atmosphere. The scenic lake may be admired from the shore or you can get aboard: the lake offers opportunities for cruising, boating and various watersports.
The ski jump tower ‘Matti Nykänen’s Hill’ and Laajavuori
I would take a visitor to Laajavuori, the views are fabulous there. One can also work out and exercise there all year round. The adventure track is great fun in summer and in winter you can ski and slalom surrounded by nature.
Sonja, 21v
Locals recommend Laajavuori for two reasons: its wonderful views and fantastic outdoor exercise opportunities. A ski jump stadium housing five ski jump towers locates in Laajavuori. One of the ski jump towers in the stadium is named after the late ski jump legend Matti Nykänen, Nykänen’s Hill or Nykänen’s Ramp – this site in particular is frequently recommended by locals and is indeed one of the best known landmarks in Jyväskylä. The ski jump tower has breathtaking views over Jyväskylä where you can spot other popular landmarks, too. The ski jump tower is open for visitors in summer time. The scenery opening on top of Laajavuori is not bad, either.
Many locals recommend Laajavuori exercise options offered by Laajis to sports enthusiasts and sport fans. In winter, you can ski and slalom ski; in summer, among other things, ride off-road bikes, have a go at a rope slide, frisbee golf and downhill biking.
Laajavuori is about four kilometres from Jyväskylä city centre, easily accessible due to very good transportation.
Harju Area
Every visitor should definitely go and see Harju observation tower as from there you get an awesome bird’s eye view of the city.
Veera, 27
Many locals are proud of the landscape of their home town and would take visitors to Harju ridge, which is right in the middle of Jyväskylä city centre. There is hardly a better place to enjoy the scenery than Harju observation tower with a beautiful view over Jyväskylä. Locals point out, not only the view all over the city, but three lakes, too.
Neron portaat, Nero steps, facing the city centre in Harju are a popular tourist attraction, which many people living in Jyväskylä would like to show to visitors. The locals warmly recommend Harjun Paperi, Harju Paper Shop, which lies in the same neighbourhood in Harju and sells unique cards and stationery.