Nyrölä Hiking Trail 3,6 km
Distance to the target from Kompassinaukio in Jyväskylä
Sikomäentie 706
41140 Jyväskylä
Contact information
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Nyrölä Hiking Trail 3,6 km
Nyrölä Hiking Trail runs through a varied forest landscape and on the marshy shores of Lake Iso-Musta. The trail also runs past the artificial pond of Saparo. The hiking trail is 3.6 km long, and its high point is an island with a lean-to shelter, which can be reached by crossing the dark waters of Iso-Musta via a cable ferry.
Read more: https://www.jyvaskyla.fi/liikunta/ulkoilu-ja-virkistys/nyrolan-polku
More information
Location and arrival
Nyrölä trail is easiest to reach with a car. Local bus Linkki operates during week days. Check the schedules: https://jyvaskyla.digitransit.fi/
Small parking are at Sikomäentie 700. If the area is full, parking at Nyrölä House at Jatkolantie 11, Nyrölä. Roadside parking is prohibited.
Winter maintenance
No winter maintenance.
Starting point/end point
The starting point and car park are on Sikomäentie, near Nyrölä school.
ETRS-TM35FIN N 6915543, E 421544.
Route length
3,6 km. Allow 2–3 hours to complete the trail.
Wooden boardwalks.
Lapp hut or camp fire
The island has a double lean-to shelter, fireplace, a cooker, a dry toilet and a boat jetty. The shelter sleeps 10 people. There is another lean-to shelter near the bog before the cable ferry.
Target´s maintenance
Nyrölä Village Association
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