Harbours & cruises
In the Jyväskylä region, the wonderfully lush nature surrounding the bodies of water is always close by. The largest of the lakes in the Jyväskylä region is Päijänne, which is also the longest lake in Finland. You can boat along the canal routes in the Päijänne all the way up to Pielavesi in the north and to Lahti in the south.
On Lake Päijänne, you can also comfortably reach Jyväsjärvi and Jyväskylä harbour, known as the Lutakko harbour, along the Äijälänsalmi Strait. The harbour, located right next to the city centre, offers high-quality services and a variety of things to do for both landlubbers and boaters. The area also hosts events from markets to music festivals. The jogging and cycling route Rantaraitti, which is popular with the locals, goes past the harbour. The arrival of winter does not mean that the lively harbour will become quiet: if the ice situation allows, you can lace up your skates in Lutakko and glide on the ice skating track plowed on the ice of Lake Jyväsjärvi.
You can find welcoming harbours with versatile services also in Korpilahti, Äänekoski and Laukaa. Boaters can also take their pick of wonderful natural harbours, the finest of them is the scenic Mämminiemi managed by the city.

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